Tips from Minions Every Student Should Know
Bello! Luk at tu, you poor students who lack time for coping with meaningless assignments and reading those massive books from the recommended literature list and still want good grades! Minions have a long history of overcoming any kind of difficulties and they never give up. Now, it’s time for you all to get some piece of advice from them and become a little wiser.
It’s not the end of the world if your roommates leave much to be desired. All of the possible inconveniences you can experience sharing a room with someone you don’t really like will improve your communication skills and prepare you for the tough real world. The chances are, you’ll meet people you don’t like at your future workplace as well, so it’s good to be prepared.
Make sure to leave enough time for preparation for final exams. Studying all night and trying to memorize everything at once will turn you into a walking dead. Besides, this method of preparation can result in failing all of the subjects.
There will be times you’ll have no idea where the right audience is. It will be a colorful journey from one place to another and the best part is you get to share it with friends. Discovering new places of your university you’ve never imagined even existed will be the greatest adventure in the world!
Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to make friends with some of the teachers. They can be very interesting conversation partners. It is even said that some of them know a couple of pretty funny jokes they can tell you.
- Talking about teachers, they can be pretty boring and even annoying during classes showing you their dark side. But they also have the other side which is cool and funny. It’s a pity you’ll be able to discover it only on the last day of school. But if you try very hard to get through to them, Minions are sure you’ll discover it much earlier.
Remember, you laugh only when your teacher allows you to. Even when a teacher makes a joke, it doesn’t mean she wants you to laugh at it. Maybe it’s just a witty way of emphasizing the importance of the topic discussed or plain sarcasm. Make sure you have a green light for laughing. Otherwise, your teacher might go: “You think this is funny? Now you’ve all earned a pop quiz!”